Tired, exhausted, overweight with mood swings, pains and aches?

It's Not Your Fault...
It's Your Hormones!
Calling Every Woman Over 40 Who Needs To Restore Hormone Balance, But Can't Figure Out...
Where To Start and How To Do It

who is this toolkit for?

Whether you're just turning 40 and starting to notice subtle changes in your sleep and mood - or deep into the full swing of menopause - this toolkit has something for you. Frequent symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:
  •  You can't sleep through the night anymore.
  • You can't lose weight around the middle or curb your cravings despite exercise and eating like you always have.​
  • You are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, dry hair, and skin, maybe hair loss too.
  • ​You're tired of your doctor telling you that "nothing is wrong" and your tests are "normal."
"Working together keeps me motivated and excited about eating healthy. Before beginning this journey I was feeling depressed and frustrated about gaining weight. But after the first week of detox, I started feeling better. The changes your body under takes when eating healthy is amazing. I have much better energy and have lost weight. The most significant improvements, overall, are how I feel. I feel more energized and happier."

EDITH A.  - Miami, FL

 The truth is that you don't have to suffer just because of your age!

Millions of women live their life believing that mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, and so much more as a normal part of life.

What would your life be like without this lie...?

And What would it be like if you discovered how to restore your hormonal balance?

Imagine finally being rid of fatigue, muffin top, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, and more (even if you feel like you’ve tried everything or have no clue where to start).

Did you know that…

until you fix your hormones you can cut calories and live in the castle gym but the pounds and problems will remain ...or get worse!

Most women over 40 believe the idea that irritability, fatigue, poor stress resilience, irregular or painful menstrual cycles, and low libido are all part of getting older or that it's something beyond their control.

You don't realize that it's actually the hormone imbalance making you to feel crummy. Identifying the root cause(s) of the imbalance will allow to get your body and mind back on track.
Hormones are like a symphony, if one is off, the rest will be affected too. There are many players in this orchestra: estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, leptin, growth hormone, and insulin. And women are exquisitely sensitive to hormonal changes. The good news is that many women can fix these imbalances without medications and You do NOT need to suffer just because of your age!!

Why Is It do Difficult to Drop unwanted Pounds?
Why Does It Seem that NO Matter How You Exercise and How Clean You Eat, You Still Can't Lose Weight?
And Why Can't You Eliminate Those Incessant Sugar Cravings?

The Root Cause of the Hormonal Imbalance Is Main Reason You're Feeling The Way You Do

Where to start and how to do it

imagine finally being rid of fatigue, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, and more...

Get Ready to finally take control of your hormones and reset your body to burn fat, manage stress, and get your energy back.

The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit was developed for women who want to reverse the root causes behind their symptoms and have no clue where to start.

The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit helps you:
  • Discover how your food and lifestyle choices affect your hormones. 
  • Eliminate those incessant sugar cravings. 
  • Sleep well at night and wake up refreshed. 
  • ​Eat every four to six hours, without feeling shaky or irritable.
  • ​Feel balanced, happier and more ready than ever to get your sexy on
  • and much, MUCH more!


Let me share some of my personal challenges

in my mid-forties

i was a hormone mess

A few years back, I was an overweight and tired woman, with mood swings, poor sleep, and hot flashes trying to lose weight and get back my energy. I was struggling to find the best approach to lose weight because I tried eating less and exercise more, but it just didn't work. As you can imagine, I felt powerless, no matter what I tried it didn't work. I felt trapped on my body forever, with unwanted pounds, fatigue, memory fog, insomnia, mood swings, aches and pains without hope! I felt my only options were to go for prescribed medications or expensive surgeries which I didn't want to try. I was in physical and emotional pain and at my wit's end!
Everything changed when I read the book "Diet Evolution" by Dr. S Gundry. In his book, Dr. Gundry proposed a theory of fat storage based on DNA, food availability, and seasonal changes!

I followed the book recommendations and in a few months I was transformed to a healthier and happier person. I couldn't belief what I had accomplished, I was asking myself what can I do with this new found knowledge? and now...

Building on that success, I was so excited about the results I had achieved, I knew that I wanted to learn more about nutrition and share with other women so that they could enjoy the same success. I went back to school again and I became a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Health Coach. 

I have created "The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit" that helps other women to permanently lose weight, balance their hormones and even enjoy the process!


the natural hormone balance toolkit

The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit will help You take control of your hormones, health and happiness without going hungry or breaking the bank.

 The toolkit is a road map that will guide you to overcome hormone imbalances, weight loss resistance, depression and irritability. 

I'm so excited to share this with you because it is my passion and goal to help as many women as possible get these types of results too! I want YOU to feel as good as I do every day!

And best of all... you'll start seeing results with "The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit" in less than a couple of weeks and it costs significant less than the cost for medical care.

If You Are Ready To Get Your Life Back, Then Click the Button Below 

Reset your body to burn fat, manage stress, and boost energy
Without expensive surgeries, prescribed medications, or restrictive diets and have fun doing it!

success stories!

you could be one of them too...

"...My mood has changed, because I've improved my sleep."

I had severe sleep problems and had lost the habit of daily exercise. Also, I gained a lot of weight in the last few months that made me feel heavy.
First, I modified some eating habits. Second, I began to cook more and better, at home. I now enjoy a good sleep, learned new recipes very nutritious and delicious. I stopped eating added sugar. I've returned to biking and Yoga practice.
-Zoe P. Miami, FL

"...Lost more than 15 lbs and a lot in size."

I've been able to lose the weight. I have more energy, I am more focused on the real important things. Since I enjoy cooking, I have not only learned about new recipes, I've tried them and keep in expanding my cooking knowledge. Since I now listen to my body, I know the consequences there will be if I make the wrong choice. The pain in my lower extremities is almost gone. 
-Ariane V. Miami, FL

"...Reduction in health concerns."

I am eating better foods that agree with my digestive system. I have fewer digestive issues and I am working out more often. This all has led to me sleeping better, more energy, able to get up easier in the morning. I have less health concerns and therefore less stress about my health. I have lost 5 lbs and I have tools now to keep the weight off and continue to lose.
-Tammie T. Mobile, AL

a special invitation from dr amy

here's exactly what you're going to get

Hormone Balance Protocol & Action Plan 

Follow These Easy Steps to Solve Your Unique Hormone Challenges and Have Fun Doing it

Value: $247.00

This Hormone Balance Protocol, was created based on the teachings of Dr. Sara Gottfried and her bestselling book “The Hormone Cure.” You’ll find out which hormones are working properly, and which ones need immediate attention. The goal is to identify the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. 

This step by step protocol outlines specific recommendations to address the five main culprits underlying hormone imbalance. The comprehensive approach in this protocol will balance your hormones while restoring your energy and radiance and kick those perimenopause and menopause symptoms to the curb.

Home Workout Training Videos and Pre- & Post-Exercise Nutrition

Exercise, Movement and Nutrition to Help You Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals

Value: $97.00

Home Workout Training Videos, that require 7-10 minutes a day without any equipment for you to learn tips, tricks, and tactics to stay active, increase your energy and feel good about your health.
Pre- and Post-workout exercise nutrition, to improve your athletic performance, aid in recovery, boost results, and provide energy.

Access to Facebook Group + Wellness  Calendar + Self-care Guide

Foster Health and Wellness Routine with Private Facebook Group, Wellness Calendar and Sel-care guide

Value: $127.00

Access to Private Facebook Community, makes it simple for you to ask questions to other members, get support, share results in a safe and supportive environment. Within this group you will find a new source of inspiration and motivation among women who are going through what you are as well. You can have an accountability buddy to help you adopt the new changes in your lifestyle so that you can have your energy back with the sparkle in your eyes and feeling comfortable in your body once more.
30 Days of Wellness, complete each daily action to help foster health and wellness routine. Wellness includes physical, social, mental and emotional, and career and financial well-beings. 
Self-care Guide to promote optimal health, self-awareness, and manage chronic illness. Sel-care involves using self-awareness to determine your health needs and taking the initiative to meet those needs.

Total Value: $571.00

But today, you're getting all of this...

for Only: $37

My Guarantee To You…

Featured Image Headline

If you follow "The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit" and it doesn't help you Discover how your food and lifestyle choices affect your hormones... if it doesn't Eliminate those incessant sugar cravings... or if it fails to Help you sleep well at night and wake up refreshed... then we'll refund your money. All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your Natural Hormone Balance results.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired and not knowing the root cause of what is happening in your body, then The Natural Hormone Balance Toolkit is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!.

Here's a recap of

EVERYTHING You Are Going To Get When You Purchase Today

  • Hormone Balance Protocol & Action Plan
($247.00 Value)
  • Workout Training Videos and Nutrition 
($97.00 Value)
  • Private community, wellness calendar, etc.
($127.00 Value)

Total Value: $571.00

But today, you're getting all of this...

for Only: $37

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